Tuesday, May 18, 2010

The Crazy Cat Lady

It seems I am becoming my own worst fear: A crazy cat lady.

Yes, that's right, I have taken a third feline into my home. Why you ask? Well, for starters, I don't consider Onyx, #2, to be a permanent resident of my home. She's really someone else's cat and I'm just caring for her until they get her back. And I'll be glad when they do.

Don't misunderstand me, there's not a thing wrong with that cat, and I'll always take her in if she needs a place to go. She's as sweet as sugar, and playful and clever and just nice to have around. So why do I want her to go? Because she INSISTS on being in my face.

Eartha Kitty, who is my feline soulmate to be perfectly honest, never gets in my face. She's happiest sitting beside me or on the back of the recliner or curled up next to me in bed. Onyx wants to be on my chest or my shoulders, right up in my face all the time. It drives me crazy!

Now, allow me to clarify the "feline soulmate" comment. It's not romantic or anything like that. It's just that Eartha Kitty is the perfect cat for me. Our personalities fit together like two puzzle pieces. I love Eartha Kitty dearly, and she adores me. If you're lucky, you'll find a pet like that in your own lifetime. It's rare. Sure, you have pets you love, pets you can't imagine living without. But a connection like that happens only once in a lifetime.

So that's my cheesy paragraph for the week. :P

The newest feline resident in my home is Sam. Well, his official name is Sam-I-Am. You know, like Dr. Seuss? He's a yellow and white tomcat, already neutered and front declawed. (which I consider to be barbaric, but not much I can do about it now.)

Sam belonged to the Housing Authority that handles my voucher. He was found as a three-week old kitten by one of the ladies who works there. Apparently his mama had been struck on the road. So this lady brought him and his sisters in and they were hand-raised by the staff and became the Office Cats.

Well, when I first met him it was a kind of love at first sight thing. He was already fully grown, but just the sweetest cat. Of the three, he was always my favorite. I did some part-time work for them a few times, and Sam spent most of the day sprawled across my desk or in my lap. We jokingly referred to him as my "boyfriend."

Well, now things have changed and the staff has been required to find new homes for the cats. So when I was told I could have him, I just couldn't say no. I'd never get another chance at him, you know. He's doing better than I could have hoped too.

From the moment he got here, he's been wandering around, checking the place out and making himself at home. He seems to be very happy here - he even attempted to mate with Onyx (who is in heat - obnoxious!). It was a creepy sort of way. Poor neutered Sammy.

So anyways, that's my big news for this blog. Got a new cat.

In other news, my cousin Danni got married this weekend. The wedding was beautiful and there were a lot of out-of-town relatives there. It was nice to see them all again. I left shortly after the ceremony though, too many people for my nerves to handle. So here's a shout-out to Robin and Danni, may you live happily ever after. :)

I feel like there should be something else to say here, but there really isn't. So I'll wander off and leave you with your LOLcat.


It makes a good point. I need make up too...

<3 Elisabeth


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